Elise working

Holding space for healing

My mission is to hold space and support your body’s innate ability to bring itself back into balance, using a range of therapeutic massage modalities so that you leave the table feeling seen, held, supported, refreshed, and rejuvenated.

Why choose Be Held Bodywork?

The key item I bring to every session is PRESENCE – I will be here now with you for the entire time we’re together. Your body knows what to do to bring itself into balance – I’m here to facilitate its path back to ease with gentle (and sometimes not-so-gentle) prodding.

Customized Care

No two massages are alike just as no two bodies are alike. You won’t even receive the same massage every time – each session flows according to your body’s current needs.

Anatomy Knowledge

The arm bone’s connected to the… I carry a detailed map of the muscles and bones of the body in my head, allowing me to understand movement patterns and target muscles that may be under- or over-working.

Intuitive Healing

Often, my hands just find things. My technique is both based on what I learned in school and a whole lifetime of learning to trust and follow my inner guidance system.

What People Say

Hey just wanted you to know – my back and shoulder pain is non-existent today. That massage was amazing – it was exactly what I needed and was awesome. So thank you!

Elias S.

in Talent

Ready to care for your body?

There has never been a better time than right now.